
Michael Muller talks about his studio set up for shark portraits

Article Summary:

APhotoEditor.com has published an article about professional photographer Michael Muller’s set up for a recent shark shoot in the Beqa Lagoon, Fiji. In the article, he described the testing process for his “studio” lighting to have been done during a shoot in the Galapagos and, most critically, his attitude towards capturing light and photography:

“That is what I love about “light” and photography, I have been doing it for 27 years almost daily and could do it until the day I die and still know just a fraction of what there is to know about light and the use of it, and how to control it. The minute you think you have got this thing called photography “down” is the day you should maybe put the camera down because your being very ignorant, light is something the greatest minds that have ever lived find mysterious and fascinating.”