
Results: World Shootout 2021

Overall winner: Hannah Le Leu

The World Shootout announced the results of its 2021 contest at a live online event last Saturday. The winner was Hannah Le Leu with a lovely image half and half of a turtle hatchling. Congratulations to all the winners and those among the placings in the numerous categories.


This year again, the World ShootOut competition is held in a liberating concept – Pictures of Your Life. Photographers were invited to submit their underwater images captured anywhere and anytime in the world to 12 different categories.

Second Overall: Damir Zurub

more categories, no registration fees and you get to watch us in your pajamas – beat that Omicron!

Third Overall: Lars Oliver Michaelis

618 photographers from 54 countries around the world have submitted thousands of images and videos to the competition this year.

Fourth Overall: Lorenzo Mittiga

Reminder: WORLD SHOOTOUT is a global competition, in which amateur and professional photographers submit photos in 12 categories. Our jury panel had first selected 10 outstanding images from all submissions and Mr. Petros Michelidakis, director of boot Dusseldorf, has then selected out of these 10 - the best one of them all!

Fifth Overall: Martin Broen

The winning image in this category will be presented on the cover of the competition album, available both in digital and hardcopy versions.

Gabriella Luongo

It all started with us, 16 years ago in Eilat, The Eilat competition grew and became the leading event in the world of underwater photography, with candidates coming from all over the world. According to producer David Pilosof, so far over $ 1 million in prizes, including $ 267,000 in cash prizes, the competition is now branded as number one and has been dubbed the ‘Underwater Photography Olympics’.

Wojcieh Dopierala

2021 competition album

World ShootOut competition is already behind us The printed album is an added value for such a world-class event, this is another way to spread the word among photographers and artists

Allen Walker


Feel free to browse, be impressed, and pass it on

Tom Schlesinger


The ideal gift. Breathtaking 174 chromo pages of an underwater journey in one printed album.

It’s the perfect gift and a must-have for any underwater photographer, diver, a fan of the sea, or fan of art. ORDER now copy of PRINTED ALBUM

Tanya Houppermans