
Zacuto releases part three of the 2011 Camera Shootout

Article Summary:

Zacuto has published the third and final part of their 2011 Great Camera Shootout. This episode is entitled “It’s Not So Black & White,” and focuses on motion artifacts, color and skin tone. As per the previous testing, the Single Chip Camera Evaluation (SCCE) testing technique was used. Motion artifacts involves seeing how close the cameras render movement compared to the way the human eye views it. The color test was designed to show the subtle differences that are too difficult to quantify on a subjective chart or numbers scale and the “Three Faces” test placed three actors with varying skin tones in the same lighting conditions and challenged the camera’s contrasts

Camera models tested were: Arriflex-435, Alexa, Canon 5D Mk II, Canon 1D Mk IV, Weisscam-HS2, Nikon D7000, Sony F35, Phantom Flex, Panasonic AF-100, RED ONE M-X and Sony PMW-F3.