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Elizabeth Solich: Oceanic Soiree

Adelaide-based artist and photographer, Elizabeth Solich, has been honing her skills in underwater photography for the past seven years. She has dived extensively throughout South Australia and her favorite dive sites include Port Hughes, Edithburgh, and Rapid Bay jetties. Solich has also dived in the Philippines, Fiji, and Indonesia and makes regular trips to Amed and Tulamben. Originally an architecture student, Solich blended her photography skills and underwater observations of the fauna and flora with her drawing and painting experience, bringing about a perfect marriage of her two passions. Elizabeth’s evolution into underwater photography allowed her to introduce another element to this union and extend the range of her talent even further. Her observations of marine fauna and flora allow Elizabeth to challenge boundaries, capturing the underwater world utilizing environmentally aware storytelling in the exploration of movement and composition. Elizabeth shares her passion for everything underwater with the world. Through her artwork, she expresses her never-ending admiration for the weird and wonderful underwater creations of nature. Her works have been displayed at various exhibitions in Australia and overseas. Elizabeth is a member of the Royal South Australian Society of Artists.

Please check out more of Elizabeth’s work on Oceanic Soiree. Prints of her artwork are available for sale.

The high value and increased market for shark fins are creating a huge incentive for fishermen to take the fins and discard the animal, leaving room in the ship’s hold for the more valuable meat of the tuna or swordfish.

The high value and increased market for shark fins are creating a huge incentive for fishermen to take the fins and discard the animal, leaving room in the ship’s hold for the more valuable meat of the tuna or swordfish.

Billions of plastic bottles are sold and opened every day and many of the bottle caps end up in our oceans and on our beaches.

Billions of plastic bottles are sold and opened every day and many of the bottle caps end up in our oceans and on our beaches.

It’s wasteful to use a valuable material like aluminum to make a can we open, drink its contents, and then get rid of.

It’s wasteful to use a valuable material like aluminum to make a can we open, drink its contents, and then get rid of.

Giant Cuttlefish are threatened by increased salinity levels which decrease the success of eggs hatching. Disturbance by human activities is another potential threat.

Giant Cuttlefish are threatened by increased salinity levels which decrease the success of eggs hatching. Disturbance by human activities is another potential threat.

Recent research indicates the 3D printing process does release gases and particles, potentially hazardous to both humans and animals. The long-term effects of exposure to such plastic pollution aren't yet fully understood

Recent research indicates the 3D printing process does release gases and particles, potentially hazardous to both humans and animals. The long-term effects of exposure to such plastic pollution aren't yet fully understood

Underwater photographers, could be partly to blame for driving elusive animals further offshore by disturbing their habitat.

Underwater photographers, could be partly to blame for driving elusive animals further offshore by disturbing their habitat.

Stikeez collectibles, including those customers, have from last year, can now be recycled at all Coles supermarkets.

Stikeez collectibles, including those customers, have from last year, can now be recycled at all Coles supermarkets.

Depending on what the artificial flowers are made out of, the manufacturing process does produce some greenhouse emissions. Flower manufacturers also sometimes use bleaches and dyes that can be toxic to the environment if handled improperly.

Depending on what the artificial flowers are made out of, the manufacturing process does produce some greenhouse emissions. Flower manufacturers also sometimes use bleaches and dyes that can be toxic to the environment if handled improperly.

All Western Blue Groupers are born females, and some later change to be males! When they change sex they also change color!

All Western Blue Groupers are born females, and some later change to be males! When they change sex they also change color!

Unfortunately, once spent, gift cards are tossed into landfills, contributing millions of pounds of plastic to the waste stream.

Unfortunately, once spent, gift cards are tossed into landfills, contributing millions of pounds of plastic to the waste stream.

Across the world, health care workers; women, and men have stood up in the face of disease and braved grave dangers. We owe them a great debt, and we will never forget their service

Across the world, health care workers; women, and men have stood up in the face of disease and braved grave dangers. We owe them a great debt, and we will never forget their service

These beautiful fish are found along the southern Australian coastline, from South Australia to eastern Victoria. They occupy reefs, ledges, crevices, and deep cave systems, at depths ranging from 3 to over 40 m, sometimes in small groups

These beautiful fish are found along the southern Australian coastline, from South Australia to eastern Victoria. They occupy reefs, ledges, crevices, and deep cave systems, at depths ranging from 3 to over 40 m, sometimes in small groups

Plastic forks, knives, and spoons are ranked among the most harmful types of marine debris to ocean animals...

Plastic forks, knives, and spoons are ranked among the most harmful types of marine debris to ocean animals…

The most significant threat to whale sharks is habitat loss or degradation in the form of overfishing of reef fish, coastal development, land-based pollution, increased boat traffic, and noise pollution.

The most significant threat to whale sharks is habitat loss or degradation in the form of overfishing of reef fish, coastal development, land-based pollution, increased boat traffic, and noise pollution.

Some nudibranchs have the ability to move their mantle up and down in a kind of ‘can-can’ dance. At least two species of nudibranchs can actually make sounds that are audible to humans!

Some nudibranchs have the ability to move their mantle up and down in a kind of ‘can-can’ dance. At least two species of nudibranchs can actually make sounds that are audible to humans!

Up to 80 percent of ocean plastic pollution enters the ocean from land. At least 267 different species have been affected by plastic pollution in the ocean.

Up to 80 percent of ocean plastic pollution enters the ocean from land. At least 267 different species have been affected by plastic pollution in the ocean.

Plastic bread tags are those square clips commonly used to seal bags around a loaf of bread, bagels, or even produce. Further, plastic bread tags are not recyclable in your recycling bin.

Plastic bread tags are those square clips commonly used to seal bags around a loaf of bread, bagels, or even produce. Further, plastic bread tags are not recyclable in your recycling bin.

f the start of jellyfish life wasn’t extraordinary enough, its death is where things get really exciting. Even a cat has nine lives, so what chances of winning the lottery for an extra life for blenny fish?

f the start of jellyfish life wasn’t extraordinary enough, its death is where things get really exciting. Even a cat has nine lives, so what chances of winning the lottery for an extra life for blenny fish?

Aluminum foil is actually far worse for the environment than plastic wrap across the board. Mining bauxite (the raw material in aluminum) and processing it takes a lot of energy.

Aluminum foil is actually far worse for the environment than plastic wrap across the board. Mining bauxite (the raw material in aluminum) and processing it takes a lot of energy.

Every year hundreds of millions of Soy Sauce Sushi Fish end up in landfills and in our ocean. These bits of plastic can take up to 500 years to breakdown.

Every year hundreds of millions of Soy Sauce Sushi Fish end up in landfills and in our ocean. These bits of plastic can take up to 500 years to breakdown.