Geo Cloete: Cape Town
For many years Cape Town did not really feature on the world tourist map. These days however tourists cannot get enough of this formerly hidden treasure. In the last few years many an award has been rightly bestowed upon the city. It truly is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, particularly if you are a nature lover or enthusiastic about the underwater environment.
Slowly but surely international divers are discovering the marvelous treasures which await below the waterline along the Cape Town’s coastline. To me, Cape Town diving is like a rough diamond. Don’t expect all the glitter of resort-style diving. Instead think of it as a true wilderness were on any given day you stand the chance of seeing just about anything. Sharks, whales, dolphins, turtles, seals, schools of baitfish being predated on, nudibranchs and much much more. Most reefs are made up of giant granite boulders, densely covered in colorful life. For rusting metal lovers there are a good number of wrecks to explore. So if you are a diver and heading this way, don’t miss out on what promise to be a pleasant surprise.
To view more on what Cape Town diving has to offer, visit Cape Town ~ Just Beyond the Shoreline, or see more of Geo’s work on Facebook.
Geo won the 2015 Durban Underwater Club Shootout.