

Photo Mechanic and PhotoShelter offer discounts to Wetpixel community Photo

Photo Mechanic and PhotoShelter offer discounts to Wetpixel community

Our friends at Camera Bits have kindly offered 10 vouchers giving Wetpixel community members a 15% discount off the purchase of their excellent Photo Mechanic. In case you are not familiar, Photo Mechanic is a standalone image browser and workflow accelerator that uses the embedded jpegs in RAW files to allow images to be ingested and culled at lightening speed. [PhotoShelter](http://www.photoshelter.com are also still offering their amazing 20% special deal for the Wetpixel community

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COP21 Paris results in historic global agreement Photo

COP21 Paris results in historic global agreement

The United Nations COP21 meeting has just ended and has resulted in the first international agreement to control CO2 emissions. The delegates agreed to enact measures to keep temperature increase below 2°C (3.6°F), to balance emissions and sinks in the second half of this century, to review progress every 5 years and to earmark $100 billion to help developing countries achieve these goals.

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Join Wetpixel in Socorro in 2016 Photo

Join Wetpixel in Socorro in 2016

Mexico’s Revillagigedo Islands are well known for a profusion of pelagic life. Bait balls, hammerhead, whale and silky sharks as well as the possibility of pilot whales make for his adrenaline diving that is also amazingly photographically productive. Join Wetpixel and trip leader Jason Bradley from 8 to 10 June 2016 aboard the Nautilus Belle Amie to dive and capture the amazing scenes.

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RED unveils SCARLET-W Photo


RED Digital Cinema has announced the release of the SCARLET-W 5K camera. Intended as an upgrade for existing SCARLET DRAGON owners, the camera features integrated mounting points, interchangeable lens mounts, simultaneous REDCODE® RAW and Apple ProRes recording formats, RED’S OLPF system and in-camera 3D LUT outputs, combined with a RED DRAGON sensor.

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Alien Skin releases Exposure X Photo

Alien Skin releases Exposure X

Alien Skin has released their Exposure X non-destructive image sorting and editing app. Images are not imported into Exposure, rather the user simply selects existing images or card off-loads and works on them. It does not require the use of catalogs and places all editing tools in a single workspace, eliminating the need to move between modules.

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