

Report: Silence of the Sharks Photo

Report: Silence of the Sharks

The first Silence of the Sharks protest dive was held in the Red Sea resort of Eilat, Israel. 87 divers dived together on the wreck of the Satil to protest the against shark finning and to raise awareness of the plight of sharks in the marine ecosystem. Further protests are planned around the globe, including a dive with 500 divers in the Mediterranean in October 2016.

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Happy Holidays Photo

Happy Holidays

Wishing the Wetpixel community the very happiest of holiday seasons. We hope that you are able to enjoy the season with friends and family and if you are lucky enough to be underwater somewhere, may your imaging opportunities be stunning!

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Video: Argonaut aggregation near the surface Photo

Video: Argonaut aggregation near the surface

Earth Touch News has shared an incredibly rare video of an aggregation of female argonauts, also known as paper nautilus, close to the surface on their Wild Ocean channel. These creatures appear to be very similar to chambered nautilus, but in fact more closely resemble bottom dwelling octopus. Encounters with these animals are very uncommon, and to see a grouping like this is spectacular. (Image from Shutterstock)

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Issue 70 of X-Ray Mag is available Photo

Issue 70 of X-Ray Mag is available

Issue 70 of X-Ray Mag is available to download. Articles in the December edition include diving Australia’s Great Barrier Reef and Ningaloo, Honduras’s Cayos Cochinos, Canada’s BC Wreck Trek and with Tonga’s humpback whales. Imaging specific articles include “Color psychology in underwater photography” and a portfolio of J Paul Fennell’s wood carvings.

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