

Ikelite Canon 10D Housing Details Photo

Ikelite Canon 10D Housing Details

Ikelite has today posted details about their new Canon 10D housing, which will be shipping in May 2004. The new housing is compact, neutrally bouyant underwater, and is compatible with all of Ikelite's standard SLR ports. Retail price is $1200 USD.

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Sea & Sea: DX-3100 Aquapix Upgrade/Fix

Sea & Sea has announced the possibility of cracks appearing in the battery door and/or USB compartment door of their DX-3100 Aquapix amphibious camera.  They will be replacing all units with serial numbers from 030200001 to 030204016. Read more for complete press release.

Incidentally, we are impressed that Sea & Sea Japan and TUSA took the steps to resolve this potential problem so quickly. Communication and coordination between Sea & Sea Japan and U.S. reps seem to have improved with the local hand-off to TUSA.

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Fuji Announces Housing for F420 Zoom Photo

Fuji Announces Housing for F420 Zoom

Fuji has announced an underwater housing for their Finepix F420 zoom, a compact 3 megapixel camera. This is a "palm-sized" camera in the same class as the popular Canon S400 and Olympus Sytlus series so the whole setup should easily fit in a BC pocket.

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Tiger shark takes a picture with a housed D100

Jim Abernethy reports that a Tiger Shark, named "Spot," took a housed Nikon D100 from a diver and swam around for awhile, actually taking a photo with the rig before dropping it. "Although many believe sharks to be dumb eating machines, it is nice to reflect especially on this forum how 'Spot' did choose to go digital for his first camera."

Nobody was harmed, but the event did signal the end of diving for the day. After the housing was recovered, the staff found the tiger-shark's photo to be perfectly exposed. It is expected to appear in one of the next issues of Shark Diver Magazine.

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UwP18 - Available April 6 Photo

UwP18 - Available April 6

From our friends over at UwP Magazine (Underwater Photography Magazine, a free, high quality, online magazine):

I am pleased to let you know that UwP18 will be available for downloading on April 6th. It's a full issue packed with lots of news, information and entertainment.

UwP18 contains details of the following equipment: Ikelite 5060 housing, Fantasea CP-3N, Top Dawg Mini housing, Fuji F-700 housing, Jonah D60 and Calypsophot. There's a location report from Roatan, some excellent Great Hammerhead shots and marine life information about Lumpsuckers. Technique articles include New ideas for macro, Easy ways to improve, A Beginners guide to digital and The Underwater photographers Code of conduct.

You can download UwP18 at www.uwpmag.com

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Browser Compatibility

A few of you out there have written to tell me that Wetpixel's home page doesn't load in certain versions of Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. We officially support Internet Explorer 5+ (Win), Netscape 7+, and Mozilla/Firefox. We hear Safari on Mac OS is working, as well. If you are using an old browser, please consider upgrading! You know, for the sake of web standards.

UPDATE: We've received notice that IE 5.1.7 for Mac OS 8.6 is no longer rendering the front page, despite the fact that I have not made any changes to it for the past couple of weeks. Does Apple itself even support Mac OS 8.6 anymore? I used to work there, and I remember the Mac OS 8 launch: Motley Crue came to Apple campus and gave a concert. Mid-set, the lead singer screamed that we were all "#$*#* losers," presumably because no one was rockin' out. That was in 1997, back when digicams were barely 0.5 megapixels. You don't use 0.5 megapixel cameras anymore, and you probably shouldn't be using browsers from that time period, either.

Of course, if you are using a browser from that time period, you probably aren't seeing this news article, so perhaps I am only preaching to the converted.

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