

New study shows high mortality rate of mako sharks Photo

New study shows high mortality rate of mako sharks

A paper published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B shows that the fishing mortality rate for shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) is significantly higher than has been thought. Researchers found that 30 to 40% of satellite tagged sharks were being captured in fisheries, which when extrapolated, means that the number being killed is 10 times higher than previously believed. (Image from Shutterstock.)

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Scientists think pollution is turning sea snakes black Photo

Scientists think pollution is turning sea snakes black

The turtle-headed sea snake in the Pacific ocean typically is black and white striped. However, for the past several year scientists have been observing individuals of this species living in the ocean close to cities exhibiting all black coloration. Claire Goiran, of the University of New Caledonia and lead scientist for the study, believes the darker skin pigment allows the sea snakes to excrete pollutants through their skin faster than lighter colored pigments.

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Scientists find second garbage patch larger than Mexico in Pacific Photo

Scientists find second garbage patch larger than Mexico in Pacific

Scientists believe they have discovered a second Garbage Patch in the Pacific Ocean. The second Garbage Patch, which contains tiny plastic pieces floating at the surface, is thought to be larger than Mexico. The expedition was led by Captain Charles Moore and explored areas off Chile, Peru, and Easter Island during a six-month voyage. This newly discovered Garbage Patch is primarily composed of tiny bits of plastic that are extremely hard to clean up.

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