

Quebec tourists are treated to an up close and personal fin whale encounter Photo

Quebec tourists are treated to an up close and personal fin whale encounter

A boat of whale watching tourists had an up close and personal encounter with a fin whale this past week in Quebec, Canada. The group of whale watchers were observing a pair of fin whales swimming parallel to their boat when one resurfaced, with mouth agape, right next to their boat, submerging at the last minute. The moment was captured in two different simultaneous videos.

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Call for entries: Florida State Underwater Photo & Video Championship Photo

Call for entries: Florida State Underwater Photo & Video Championship

The Florida Skin Divers Association is calling for entries to the Florida State Underwater Photo & Video Championship, the results of which will be announced at the 2016 Guy Harvey Lionfish Safari. The contest offers over $8,000 in prizes and entry categories for images from Florida waters including: Macro, wide angle, compact camera, video and lionfish removal video. The deadline for entries is 26 August.

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A $1 Billion Lawsuit has been filed against Getty by photographer Carol Highsmith Photo

A $1 Billion Lawsuit has been filed against Getty by photographer Carol Highsmith

When photographer Carol Highsmith began donating images for public use to the Library of Congress’ Prints and Photographs Division in 1988, she did not imagine that one day an image licensing giant (Getty) would be profiting from her photographs. In fact, the manner in which she discovered Getty was falsely licensing her public domain images was through a cease and desist letter from them demanding she remove one of her own images from her personal website, or pay a $120 fine. She has since filed a $1 Billion lawsuit against Getty and Alamy.

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