

Norbert Wu’s Favorite Images: School of Scalloped Hammerhead Sharks Photo

Norbert Wu’s Favorite Images: School of Scalloped Hammerhead Sharks

Norbert Wu presents the next in his series highlighting his favorite images from his career. He takes us to the Cocos Islands in the late 1980s and the large schools of scalloped hammerheads (Sphyrna lewini) that surround the islands. In his article, Norbert bemoans the “new” tradition of shark fin soup an the damage that it is causing to shark populations worldwide.

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Video: The Shark Hunters by Madison Stewart Photo

Video: The Shark Hunters by Madison Stewart

Shark conservationist and campaigner Madison Stewart has recently completed a short film documenting her interviews with shark hunters Mark the Shark of Florida and Vic Hislop of Australia. She notes that although they represent the very public face of an anachronistic activity, they are a part of an industry that continues to harvest sharks in unsustainable numbers and to deny these animal’s right to exist, even when their importance to the ecosystem is well understood.

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The UK’s tallest mountain is underwater Photo

The UK’s tallest mountain is underwater

Scientists have just returned from a deep sea exploration of four underwater mountains off the west coast of Scotland. The survey is known as The Deep Links project and is a collaboration between Plymouth University, the University of Oxford, the Joint Nature Conservation Committee and the British Geological Survey. What they found was an underwater realm teaming with life and many species that have yet to be scientifically described.

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Greenland sharks live for over 270 years Photo

Greenland sharks live for over 270 years

Science reports on a new paper cataloging the longevity of Greenland sharks (Somniosus microcephalus). Danish scientists have used the presence of carbon 14 caused by the atom bomb testing on the 1960s to generate a growth curve and radiocarbon dating of eye lens nuclei from 28 female Greenland sharks to reveal that they have a life span of at least 272 years. It is conjectured that some individuals may be 400 years old.

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Study published on why humpbacks protect other mammals from Orca predation Photo

Study published on why humpbacks protect other mammals from Orca predation

In a recent study published in Marine Mammal Science, scientists analyzed the somewhat puzzling behavior of humpback whales to protect other species from killer whales. The study focused on 115 specific instances where humpbacks interfered in orcas attacking other animals. Without any obvious benefit to the humpbacks resulting from protecting other animals, the scientists said they could not rule out altruistic intentions on the part of the humpback whales.

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Sea& Sea announces housing for Sony a6300 Photo

Sea& Sea announces housing for Sony a6300

Sea&Sea has announced their MDX housing for the Sony A6300 mirrorless cameras. The camera’s LCD can be tilted up to 180° and used with an optional monitor hood if required. The housing also offers two accessory ports, an external port lock and is compatible with both NX and ML ports (the former requires an adaptor ring).

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